I've been to the Bonnaroo Music Festival six times now and this was a first. Here's how it all went down...
Young guy saunters through the crowd up to his friends wearing a shell bra and no shirt. "What am I wearing?" He says, looking down at his chest, confused.
"You seem to be wearing shells on your boobs," I answered. His female friend encouraged me to touch them. I went in slowly with my hand fixed and fingers curled. "ahhh, ahhh" I said as I went in. and rested my fingers on the plastic shell. The guy threw his hands up in the air, knocking stuff out of my hand.
"What the fuck!" he said. "Did I grab your tit?" Thinking he was referring to the fact that he just about knocked me over, I replied.
"No, you didn't just grab my tit." This is when he grabbed my left tit. Fingers curled tightly he grabbed me aggressively and not at all jokingly and quickly retreated. "Whoa!" I said and threw my arms up to defend my chest.
"Hey!" My husband yells. Tit Grabber finally notices my husband and suddenly looks very scared. His female friend is denying that he grabbed my tit to my husband. I calmly clarify that he did, indeed grab by tit. She immediately apologizes. My husband is not going to start a fight, but he did put a stop to this guy's behavior. Tit Grabber starts to change his tune though, almost like he was inviting a fight after a moment. This is when my husband starts saying, "We're cool, man." and Tit Grabber's friends whisked him away to another place in the gathering Skrillex crowd.
I must admit, I'm quite glad to have him react appropriately defensive when I'm non consensually touched in an aggressive way in a crowd. I'm just as proud that he was able to let it go and not bring it to blows and that we were able to laugh at it and still enjoy the show.
I've been thinking about whether or not touching his shell bra was also non consensual and I've decided on this... No. For one, I did not touch his skin, only the plastic shell. Also, his friends encouraged me and I went in real slow so that at any time he could announce that he was not cool with this action or remove himself from the situation. He stood with an open posture and allowed me to touch his shell. Then he turned it around and used to to aggressively cop a feel. I know in my heart that he manipulated the situation to be a dick and try to intimidate me. He probably thought that I was alone and didn't notice my husband standing nearby.
Again, it did feel really great to have Hubby get protective. Despite the fact that we are sleeping with other people, it's nice to know that when my left tit gets grabbed by a guy wearing a shell bra with apologetic friends, he'll have none of it. <3
I would think that him letting you touch his shells, maybe after it was over he could have asked if he could touch your shell less top. and if your open you could have said yes. he played it all wrong I think. what guy freaks out when a women touches him anyway, im sure it was easy enough to cop a feel in a dancing crowd.