I haven't blogged about this yet, despite it happening last week. It may have something to do with having to finish an obnoxious research paper for an obnoxious class. Here I will tell you how my husband lost his nonmonogamy virginity, how I got the news, and how I reacted.
Hubby had a date with the wife of Not-My-Boyfriend. They had been texting for some time and being a little flirtatious, but not overly so. I had been at their house the night before and had talked a little with NMB about the date, but neither of us knew what to expect. Hubby arrived for homemade sushi, Netflix and, as it turned out, sex.
I was at work. I was supposed to get the news in the morning when I arrived home, but was really feeling okay. I was ready for him to rip off the band-aid.
Relative silence on the texting front from Hubby lead me to believe that something had occurred. At 0338, I received the following message from NMB
"I gather that a band-aid has been totally ripped off. How's that feeling?"
For just a moment, my head swam, then, I was fine. In fact, I was grinning uncontrollably. A big stupid Cheshire Cat, ear-to-ear grin stuck to my face for the rest of the night. I had slight discomfort hearing the details that morning, but even asked questions and was generally just fine with the whole thing. I walked in the door to our apartment and said to my husband, "You don't look any different." The big stupid grin was still there. Who knows what people thought I was beaming about. Who cares.
So there. We've done it. We've unintentionally spouse swapped. We've each slept with an outside party and survived. We still love each other. We still have great sex with each other. The bottom hasn't fallen out. Although, I must admit that part of the reason I waited so long to blog about this, was my fear that I'd not yet completely reacted, as though there is some avalanche of "appropriate" torment just waiting to unleash itself upon my psyche and wreak its havok on my soul. I don't think this is the case, however, as I generally feel the way I did that night. I love my husband. I'm happy for him. I want him to have more experiences. I want to have more experiences. I want both of us to get as much quality tail as we can and when we're old we'll sit around with our mobility devices and talk about our bowels and how many people we've fucked.
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